SRINAGAR: Amid mounting tensions, a senior activist of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party was shot dead while his cousin suffered grevious injuries after being abducted last night by suspected militants in the volatile south Kashmir's Pulwama district.

Police and family sources said the incident took place in Qasbayar village of Pulwama late Saturday when suspected militants barged into the house of Bashir Ahmad Dar and Altar Ahmad Dar, and ordered the duo to come along with them.

After some time, the family heard gunshots very close to the house, police said. Upon reaching the scene of shooting, the two were found lying in a pool of blood. They were taken to Pulwama district hospital where Bashir was pronounced dead.

"Altaf had suffered severe bullet injuries and he was referred to Srinagar for specialized treatment," a police officer said, adding that a case of murder has been registered and investigation is on to identify and nab the suspect's behind the shooting.

Police sources said the two men are workers of a PDP leader who is a top minister in the coalition government and they had been previously warned by suspected militants to "seek forgiveness of people and part ways from mainstream politics".

The killing has sparked panic and fear in south Kashmir areas, the epicentre of last year's civilian uprising, where dozens of local youths have joined militancy since the killing of Hizb commander Burhan Wani which became a trigger of the uprising.

In the adjoining Shopian district, suspected militants last night barged into the residences of two policemen, ransacked the premises while asking them to make a public announcement from mosques that all policemen should quit the force and apologize for their actions.

Reports said the incident took place at around 11 pm when the armed suspects broke into the house of a police constable at Hajipora village and thrashed him. The suspects ransacked the house, smashed doors and windows and asked him to quit the force.

A similar incident was reported from the adjoining Meldoora village where the masked suspects barged into a cop's house and ransacked the property. The cop was not present in his house at the time of the incident.

In both cases, according to family and police sources, the masked men threatened the cops and their families with dire consequences if they didn't quit the force and announce their decisions publicly, and apologize for their "mistakes".

"Militants barged into the residences of cops and harassed their families. We have registered two cases and the matter is being investigated," Deputy Inspector General, South Kashmir, SP Pani, said. Meanwhile, a Panchayat Ghar was set on fire by miscreants in Banderpora village of Awantipora on Saturday night.